Category: Comedy Plays
The Golden Goose by Lynn Brittney
Running time approx. 35 mins. The Princess is miserable. Anyone who can make her laugh can marry her. Cue a performing goose, a Troll and (yawn) another handsome woodcutter. (They’re never ugly are they?)
Sleeping Beauty by Lynn Brittney
Running time approx. 50 mins. So, princess is born, fairies invited to christening, stupid King leaves Black Fairy off guest list, she curses baby…then the story takes an unusual turn…
Sinbad the Sailor by Stewart Auty
Running time approx. 60 mins. This high-octane tale of the seven seas has royalty, (2 kings) cannibals (ugh!), carpenters (?), treasure (of course) and shipwrecks (amazing what you can do on a small stage!).
Red Riding in the Hood by Paul Cockcroft
Running time approx. 50 mins. The Wolf is having a bad day. Red Riding’s gang ‘The Girls in the Hood’ are out to get him, plus there are some Super Pigs on the loose. Help!
Polly Parrot and the Pirates by Janet Hodge
Running time approx. 60 mins. A nautical pantomime this time! There’s a Dame, some pirates, some secret agents and a giant parrot that cooks (bizarre, we know, but it works – trust us).
Nursery Crimewatch by Stewart Auty
Running time approx. 45 mins. Inspector Claude Clueless is investigating a number of crimes in the world of nursery rhymes – stolen sheep, accidents when fetching water, abducted pigs – it’s dangerous out there!
Jack and the Beanstalk by Lynn Brittney
Running time approx. 45 mins. A traditional pantomime (almost) and we would like to state that no Beanstalk or Giant is harmed during the staging of this show (not climbed up, chopped down or slain.)
All for One and One for All by Stewart Auty
Running time approx. 60 mins. This is the story of The Three Musketeers – but not, perhaps, recognisable to Alexandre Dumas! (If TV writers can mess about with the original story, then we can too.)
GRUFFED UP! By Paul Cockcroft
Running time approx. 60 mins. This is a very, very funny take on the tale of the Three Billy Goats Gruff…except there are only two…and everyone keeps mistaking them for sheep. Even the Troll!